How to Draw a Bottle Easy Step by Step Guideline

Drawing bottles are not that hard as you think. But surprisingly, still, some people don’t know how to draw a bottle perfectly. Due to the shapes and sizes, beginner artists face difficulty in drawing bottles. So, thinking them in mind, I’ve come up with this bottle drawing tutorial. 

Drawing a bottle is actually an exercise of balancing and forming lines, creating reflection, and playing with curves. The accuracy of the bottle shape will depend on how perfectly one can play with the lines and circles. 

However, it’s well-known that finding a bottle drawing is just a matter of Google searching. But the problem occurs when people don’t find the step-by-step guideline of drawing bottles. 

That’s why I’m here today! 

In this article, you’ll find out 6 different bottle drawing tutorials that you can draw within minutes! So, let’s dive into the tutorial!

1. How to Draw Glass Bottle Easy

It’s a bottle that you’ll probably find on your fridge, whether to store water or milk. It’s an ordinary glass bottle type. But for drawing it, you’ve to play with hoops. Without them, you cannot draw the shape correctly. So, without any delay, move forward to the tutorial. 

Draw Glass Bottle Easy

Step-1: If you notice the number 1 picture first, you’ll see four lines and one circle. It’s actually drawn for getting the basic shape. So, first of all, draw a circle, and the size will depend on how big you want to create the bottle shape. 

Then draw two parallel slanted lines inside the circle that divide the circle into three parts. 

After that, draw two other slanted lines outside the circle. You’ll see that the gap between the four lines is the same. 

Step-2: In this step, you just need to draw hoops and lines. So, follow the number 2 picture and draw two hoops on the top of the two large lines. Now, draw another hoop inside the big circle. 

And then draw two consecutive straight lines just outside the circle area. 

Finally, finish this stage by drawing two consecutive hoops under the straight lines, from which one hoop will indicate the base of the bottle. 

Step-3: Now, joint all the outer parts of the hoops, and you’ll see that a bottle shape has formed. Then erase all the hoops and lines you created before.

Step-4: Finally, make details inside the bottle and properly create the cap shape following the number 4 picture. And yes! Your perfect glass bottle is ready to use!

2. Wine Bottle Drawing Easy

A Wine bottle, maybe one of the most favorite of all. Though I’m not sure about you, it’s definitely my favorite. Even after finishing Wine, I sometimes store all the bottles to drink water from it or for decorating purposes.

However, drawing a wine bottle is easier than you could imagine. It’s all about drawing straight lines. Noting else! So, let’s proceed to the step-by-step guideline. 

Draw Wine Bottle Easy

Step-1: Firstly, draw a rectangle. Then draw a long straight line that will divide the rectangle into equal two parts intersecting one side of the box. It’ll help you to draw the bottle shoulder. 

Then create an oval shape at the bottom of the straight line to indicate the base of the bottle. And create another oval circle of the same diameter as the base at the middle of the straight line. 

After that, draw two small hoops – one is at the top of the straight line, and another is just above the upper side of the rectangle box. 

Step-2: In this stage, you have to first join the top two hoops together with two parallel lines. Then from the second hoop, draw two slight curves that match the longer side of the rectangle. It indicates the shoulder of the wine bottle. 

Finish this stage by drawing the dented tip that indicates the cork. 

Step-3: Now, erase all the hoops and lines, and you’ll get an actual wine bottle shape. 

Then create another rectangle shape inside the bottle, just like the 3rd picture, to indicate the wine label. 

And make the tip slightly round so that the cork shape becomes visible.

Step-4: This is the final step where you just need to add some fine details to look like the real one. You can see that I’ve created a square type box above the rectangle box and add some details on the bottle body.

Hopefully, from now on, you won’t face any difficulty in drawing a wine bottle.

3. How to Draw Gallon Water Bottle

Draw Gallon Bottle Easy

It’s a type of water bottle you’ll get to see when you buy a gallon of water. In some countries, it’s used to supply water from shop to shop using a cart full of the gallon water bottle. However, today you’ll get to learn about the ways of drawing it quickly and step-by-step, of course!

Step-1: First of all, draw two parallel straight lines with a minimum gap of one inch in between. Then draw a hoop on the top of the lines to form the opening of the bottle. 

Now, draw two oval circles of the same diameter – one is the base of the bottle, and another is to create the shoulder line. Then joint the outer part of both of the circles with two straight lines. 

Step-2: In this step, you have to create some dented points in the middle of the bottle and on both sides. If you notice the second picture, you can see that using a “>” shape; I’ve created six dent points on the bottle body. 

Then make all the lines and top hoops bold using a black marker. And don’t forget to create the bottleneck.

Step-3: Finally, erase all the unnecessary pencil markings and create a beautiful outlook of the bottle like the real one. Give the opening cap a perfect shape.

I’ve also drawn some fine details like – a short curve indicating bottle shoulder, short lines through the dented points indicating the layer, and other markings. So, you shouldn’t forget to add these details, too, as it helps to give the bottle a realistic look.

Final Words

So, it’s a wrap-up of this article. I hope that you have enjoyed all the bottle drawing tutorials. If you can follow these step-by-step methods properly, I think you won’t have a single problem drawing bottles in the future. 

So, let’s get into the drawing and have fun!

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R Maryam

Rayeha is a twenty-two years old emerging artist. She has done her Bachelors in Analytical chemistry. Rayeha currently lives with her family and three beautiful cats. However, she has a great passion for her hobbies which are color, calligraphy, crafts, and books. For her, there is no substitute for the joy that comes by giving thoughts of mind a colorful voice on Canvas.

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